S. No. | Title and Authors Name |
1 | Fetomaternal outcome in grandmultipara Satya Das, Ojaswini Patel and Pranati Padhan Pages: 01-04 - Viewed: 2215 - Downloaded: 936 - Country: India |
2 | Our experience of maternal and foetal outcomes in 2nd stage caesarean deliveries-tertiary care centre study Dr. Anusha SR Pages: 05-08 - Viewed: 3164 - Downloaded: 1836 - Country: India |
3 | Fate of a pregnant women with mixed connective tissue disease in a tertiary care hospital in India: A case report Dr. Amisha Rathore, Dr. Bidisha Roy Choudhury, Dr. Akanksha Mishra and Dr. Rahul Deb Mondal Pages: 09-11 - Viewed: 2923 - Downloaded: 1656 - Country: India |
4 | A rare cause of secondary postpartum haemorrhage Dr. Ekta Chaware, Adaline Thangam, Dr Nita and Dr. Mary Padmini Jasper Pages: 12-15 - Viewed: 2390 - Downloaded: 1078 - Country: India |
5 | Study of the effect of BMI and maternal weight gain during pregnancy on maternal and fetal outcome Rathnamma P and Deepika N Pages: 16-21 - Viewed: 2054 - Downloaded: 729 - Country: India |
6 | Prospective study of pregnancy outcome in patients with first trimester bleed in a tertiary centre Dr. Rashmi K, Dr. Anitha GS and Dr. Radhika Pages: 22-25 - Viewed: 2418 - Downloaded: 1093 - Country: India |
7 | A prospective study of association of body menstrual index with menstural disturbances between 20-40 years Dr. Rashmi K, Dr. Tejeswini KK, Dr. Sukanya S and Dr. Radhika Pages: 26-29 - Viewed: 1957 - Downloaded: 596 - Country: India |
8 | Incidence of cervical intraepithelial neoplasia in antenatal women by screening: A study in a semi urban area Dr. Nabnita Patnaik Pages: 30-32 - Viewed: 1826 - Downloaded: 575 - Country: India |
9 | Complications of caesarean section during second stage of labor in a tertiary care hospital Dr. Nabnita Patnaik Pages: 33-34 - Viewed: 2005 - Downloaded: 776 - Country: India |
10 | Maternal and perinatal outcome in gestational diabetes among low socioeconomic status Dr. Nabnita Patnaik and Dr. Nihar Ranjan Pradhan Pages: 35-38 - Viewed: 2198 - Downloaded: 860 - Country: India |