S. No. | Title and Authors Name |
1 | A study to evaluate the prevalence of menstrual and reproductive dysfunctions in women of Reoroductive age group with thyroid dysfunction Dr. J Vijaya Lakshmi, Dr. GSVS Bhavya Saranya, Dr. D Navya Sesha Harika and Dr. G Sri Ram Pages: 330-333 - Viewed: 1542 - Downloaded: 726 - Country: India |
2 | Evaluation of gynaecological surgeries and its outcome Dr. Rajini Priya and Dr. Syed Razia Sultana Pages: 334-336 - Viewed: 1345 - Downloaded: 583 - Country: India |
3 | Comparative analysis of fetal outcome in case of meconium stained amniotic liquor and clear liquor Dr. Amol Koranne and Dr. Sneha Sanap Pages: 337-340 - Viewed: 1521 - Downloaded: 703 - Country: India |
4 | Comparative study of cortisol level between PCOS women and normal women Santosh Kumari and Ruchika Agarwal Pages: 341-344 - Viewed: 2355 - Downloaded: 1194 - Country: India |
5 | Efficacy of lignocaine on bispectral index in patients undergoing caesarean section under spinal anaesthesia Dr. Ruchika Agarwal and Dr. Santosh Kumari Pages: 345-347 - Viewed: 1238 - Downloaded: 486 - Country: India |
6 | A study to determine maternal and fetal outcome in placenta previa in a tertiary care hospital Dr. Soumya M Alalageri, Dr. Chandra Mohan E and Dr. Gopalkrishna B Huilgol Pages: 348-353 - Viewed: 1122 - Downloaded: 380 - Country: India |
7 | Chronic endometritis: “Clinical presentation and attributing specific etiological factor” Dr. Uma Jain and Dr. Dilip Jain Pages: 354-359 - Viewed: 2480 - Downloaded: 1623 - Country: India |
8 | Puerperal sepsis: An unusual presentation Vikas Yadav, Vidushi Kulshrestha, JB Sharma and Alka Kriplani Pages: 360-361 - Viewed: 1667 - Downloaded: 883 - Country: India |
9 | Study of maternal blood groups and gestational hypertensive disorders Dr. Bhaurao Yadav, Dr. Sarasjothi M and Dr. Mangala Shinde Pages: 362-365 - Viewed: 1268 - Downloaded: 563 - Country: India |
10 | Labour outcome in primigravida who have crossed the alert and action lines on partogram Dr. Shankar Burute, Dr. Snehal Rathod, Dr. Swapnali Sansare, Dr. Varnika Garg, Dr. Ria Katwala and Dr. Jayshree Kulkarni Pages: 366-369 - Viewed: 1508 - Downloaded: 748 - Country: India |