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International Journal of Clinical Obstetrics and Gynaecology

International Journal of Clinical Obstetrics and Gynaecology

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P-ISSN: 2522-6614, E-ISSN: 2522-6622

International Journal of Clinical Obstetrics and Gynaecology

2021, Vol. 5, Issue 6, Part E

S. No. Title and Authors Name
Homocysteine association in preeclampsia and normotensive patients in a semi urban setting in Tamilnadu
Dr. K Latha, Dr. Sangeereni M and Dr. Sai Mirnalani KB
Pages: 290-293  -  Viewed: 848  -  Downloaded: 293  -  Country: India
Comparative efficacy of camylofin dihydrochloride and drotaverine hydrochloride on cervical dilatation in active labour
Dr. K Latha, Dr. Sangeereni M and Dr. Loha Pushpanjali L
Pages: 294-297  -  Viewed: 2325  -  Downloaded: 1712  -  Country: India
A comparative study on epidural Labour analgesia with 0.1% Ropivacaine and Fentanyl and 0.1% Levobupivacaine and Fentanyl on maternal and fetal outcome
Dr. K Lavanya Kumari, Dr. Amritha Raj NP, Dr. M Dhakshinamoorthy and Dr. Nithya
Pages: 298-303  -  Viewed: 994  -  Downloaded: 449  -  Country: India
Determination of vaginal pH and its role on the efficacy of Dinoprostone gel for labour induction/cervical ripening
Dr. K Lavanya Kumari, Dr. Naveena R and Dr. Nithya
Pages: 304-307  -  Viewed: 964  -  Downloaded: 418  -  Country: India
Study of D Dimer as a predictor of severity of Gestational Hypertension
Dr. M Sangeereni and Dr. Sivapriya Kanagarathinam
Pages: 308-310  -  Viewed: 1038  -  Downloaded: 477  -  Country: India
A study on association of pelvic inflammatory disease following PPIUCD insertion
Dr. M Sangeereni, Dr. K Latha and Dr. KJ Swathi
Pages: 311-313  -  Viewed: 1231  -  Downloaded: 600  -  Country: India
Estimation of serum uric acid level in 1st and early 2nd trimester (<20 WKS) as a predictor of preeclampsia and perinatal outcome
Dr. Hemanthi Reddy HR, Dr. Payel Ray and Dr. Dharmavijaya MN
Pages: 314-318  -  Viewed: 1134  -  Downloaded: 440  -  Country: India
Obstetric and perinatal outcome in covid-19 positive pregnant women
Sandhyasri Panda and Mounika K
Pages: 319-323  -  Viewed: 1060  -  Downloaded: 499  -  Country: India
The impact of maternal body mass index on maternal and fetal outcome
Dr. Anju Dogra, Dr. Suksham Sharma, Dr. Vinay Kumar and Dr. Sunita
Pages: 324-327  -  Viewed: 1014  -  Downloaded: 456  -  Country: India
Study of abnormal uterine bleeding associated with thyroid disorders
Dr. Deepa Kirar and Dr. Sudhir Kumar Rawat
Pages: 328-331  -  Viewed: 1220  -  Downloaded: 692  -  Country: India
Fetomaternal outcome in pregnancy induced liver disorders: A hospital based prospective study
Rana M, Digra M, Salgotra M, Mehta A, Atri SK
Pages: 332-334  -  Viewed: 791  -  Downloaded: 372  -  Country: India
International Journal of Clinical Obstetrics and Gynaecology

International Journal of Clinical Obstetrics and Gynaecology

International Journal of Clinical Obstetrics and Gynaecology